About Us
Welcome to Goodwill Disability!

Who would be better to assist you in delivering care services than someone who has had the first-hand experience in the field.  Maria, Director of Goodwill Disability, knows your pain; she understands your needs, goals and concerns.In 2017, Maria’s husband became a quadriplegic, due to a fall and subsequent spinal cord injury. For 5 years, Maria has experienced her own personal journey of finding and selecting suitable Carers for her husband. Committed to his well-being every step of the way, Maria has mastered the process of recruiting suitable Carers that attend to the needs of her husband such as personal care, showering, dressing and other daily task . Through Maria’s hard work and personal experiences, she has developed an eye for details, and great skill in decision-making.

Looking for Support Workers to help you? Email now! goodwilldisabilityaustralia@gmail.com